Chances are, you already know that Bitcoin was meant to be secure, anonymous. In fact one of the reasons it was created, was to stop governments spying on us. To relieve us from paying TAX! Yep, paying the fucking tax. If I'm to pay something as tax (as an act of goodwill), why the fuck THEY decide how much I pay? I can decide for myself. TAX should be donated, not collected.
Anyway, lets continue on the anonymity part. Bitcoin was meant to be anonymous. Why the hell should anyone know how much I have in my wallet? Why should they know my name, who I pay, how much I charge, etc.? Right?
That's right. The bitcoin I see now has moved farthest from it's main vision, as possible. They do the fucking KYC, they want IDs for transaction. They even take their fucking TAX! They have to be stopped. Now, let's just see how can we make it very hard for them to associate us with the BTC addresses that we own.
How do they associate addresses with people? Worst case: you use an online wallet. They can easily get your credentials and registration info (They will, even if you are so sure that the wallet is located in Switzerland). So: NO ONLINE WALLETS! USE BITCOIN CORE.
Ok. How do they track your addresses when you use Bitcoin Core?
They datamine it! They listen in the Bitcoin network (as a normal peer, with a good ping and high bandwidth) , and then they associate your IP with the addresses that you broadcast to the network! In the end, they will know you. They will know who you pay. They will know how much you have. They mine data about everyone and they use it against us!

How to prevent that? Use TOR! Use VPNs, VPS. Use any proxy, but TOR would be your best choice. Now, maybe TOR is being intercepted as well, but that's an other layer of security, which complicates it a lot, for governments.
Take it seriously. We don't want them to destroy our dream of freedom. Fiat money is the leash they have on us, to control us, to use us.